Local and Global Missions
Angel Tree Program
HCC, in partnership with the NRV regional jail, purchases Christmas presents on behalf of inmates for their children. These gifts are then delivered or picked up during our annual Angel Tree Christmas party.
Utility Assistance
The outreach department offers financial assistance to families who need help with heating and electricity costs.
Carroll County Food Pantry
The CCMA (Carroll County Ministerial Association) is an organization made up clergy from all denominations in Carroll County. HCC supports our local food pantry with donations and volunteers.
God’s Pit Crew
HCC partners with God’s Pit Crew every summer to help collect blessing buckets. These buckets are used for disaster relief all over the United States.
Week of Compassion
As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world.
Church World Service
You know how cold the winter can be. That’s why we strive to make sure our neighbors are covered in the months ahead. Click below to learn more.